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Hot Dog! - Local man wins big in cheese sauce raffle.

Sheboygan, WI-   The raffle bin spins wildly as nervous hands throughout the crowd eagerly clasped their ticket stubs. This was was the moment the crowd had been waiting for. Each revolution bringing closer the tastes and smells of a lifetime of cheese sauce for the rest of one lucky individual's life. The silence of the scene cast a blanket of tension that only could be broken by the opening of the raffle bin's hatch, and the reading of a name. Any name.

  Standing at the bin, arms wildly turning the crank to disperse the tickets amongst themselves over and over like the blending of a prospective cheese sauce incorporating and invigorating... It was clear to all he was enjoying his moment. His arm slowly wound down wresting the bin to a shuddering stop. The hatch flicked open and his hand reached into the void of desperate tickets selecting one. He brought the ticket to his gaze and read the name silently to himself. A debonaire smile slowly manifested itself upon his countenance. Upon the table to his side, he picked up an onion from the pile that had been carefully placed, and took a large bite out of the wretched sulfer bomb in a baffling tradition that has carried on. Then, he spoke...

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Homer Simpson photo sourced from